Archive for chapter-2-elementary
Finally, an update! It was seriously not cool of me to flake out like I did, but thank you for your patience. Hope you all had a good holiday time, and here’s to a great 2015!
Possibly relevant Jumanji clip: (Don’t look for the scene Moira’s remembering in the background in previous comics, by the way. I ended up not adding that part in.) (EDIT 12/22/2014: Next comic’ll be up within the next few days)
(It’s hard being a teacher!) Edit: Comic is severely delayed due to life stuff. Expect it this weekend.
Sorry for the delay! Have a title page now, and the next actual page’ll be up within the next two days!
We’re finally transitioning to the case itself! Edit: Next update is delayed for very stupid reasons (losing-my-stylus level of stupid). Expect it on Thursday. Edit#2: Found it! Splash page is coming up within a couple of hours.
It’s baaaaack! And in color now! 🙂 (That said, the “do a whole chapter at once” plan wound up falling through. Sorry ’bout that.)